WHAT I have said in the last chapter
applies as well to the professional man and the wage-earner as to the man who
is engaged in mercantile business.
No matter whether you are a physician, a
teacher, or a clergyman, if you can give increase of life to others and make
them sensible of the fact, they will be attracted to you, and you will get
rich. The physician who holds the vision of himself as a great and successful
healer, and who works toward the complete realization of that vision with faith
and purpose, as described in former chapters, will come into such close touch
with the Source of Life that he will be phenomenally successful; patients will
come to him in throngs.
No one has a greater opportunity to
carry into effect the teaching of this book than the practitioner of medicine;
it does not matter to which of the various schools he may belong, for the
principle of healing is common to all of them, and may be reached by all alike.
The Advancing Man in medicine, who holds to a clear mental image of himself as
successful, and who obeys the laws of faith, purpose, and gratitude, will cure
every curable case he undertakes, no matter what remedies he may use.
In the field of religion, the world
cries out for the clergyman who can teach his hearers the true science of
abundant life. He who masters the details of the science of getting rich,
together with the allied sciences of being well, of being great, and of winning
love, and who teaches these details from the pulpit, will never lack for a
congregation. This is the gospel that the world needs; it will give increase of
life, and men will hear it gladly, and will give liberal support to the man who
brings it to them.
What is now needed is a demonstration of
the science of life from the pulpit. We want preachers who can not only tell us
how, but who in their own persons will show us how. We need the preacher who
will himself be rich, healthy, great, and beloved, to teach us how to attain to
these things; and when he comes he will find a numerous and loyal following.
The same is true of the teacher who can
inspire the children with the faith and purpose of the advancing life. He will
never be "out of a job." And any teacher who has this faith and
purpose can give it to his pupils; he cannot help giving it to them if it is
part of his own life and practice.
What is true of the teacher, preacher,
and physician is true of the lawyer, dentist, real estate man, insurance
agent--of everybody.
` The combined mental and personal
action I have described is infallible; it cannot fail. Every man and woman who
follows these instructions steadily, perseveringly, and to the letter, will get
rich. The law of the Increase of Life is as mathematically certain in its
operation as the law of gravitation; getting rich is an exact science.
The wage-earner will find this as true
of his case as of any of the others mentioned. Do not feel that you have no
chance to get rich because you are working where there is no visible
opportunity for advancement, where wages are small and the cost of living high.
Form your clear mental vision of what you want, and begin to act with faith and
Do all the work you can do, every day,
and do each piece of work in a perfectly successful manner; put the power of
success, and the purpose to get rich, into everything that you do.
But do not do this merely with the idea
of currying favor with your employer, in the hope that he, or those above you,
will see your good work and advance you; it is not likely that they will do so.
The man who is merely a "good"
workman, filling his place to the very best of his ability, and satisfied with
that, is valuable to his employer; and it is not to the employer's interest to
promote him; he is worth more where he is.
To secure advancement, something more is
necessary than to be too large for your place.
The man who is certain to advance is the
one who is too big for his place, and who has a clear concept of what he wants
to be; who knows that he can become what he wants to be and who is determined
to BE what he wants to be.
Do not try to more than fill your
present place with a view to pleasing your employer; do it with the idea of
advancing yourself. Hold the faith and purpose of increase during work hours,
after work hours, and before work hours. Hold it in such a way that every
person who comes in contact with you, whether foreman, fellow workman, or
social acquaintance, will feel the power of purpose radiating from you; so that
everyone will get the sense of advancement and increase from you. Men will be
attracted to you, and if there is no possibility for advancement in your
present job, you will very soon see an opportunity to take another job.
There is a Power which never fails to
present opportunity to the Advancing Man who is moving in obedience to law.
God cannot help helping you, if you act
in a Certain Way; He must do so in order to help Himself.
There is nothing in your circumstances
or in the industrial situation that can keep you down. If you cannot get rich
working for the steel trust, you can get rich on a ten-acre farm; and if you
begin to move in the Certain Way, you will certainly escape from the
"clutches" of the steel trust and get on to the farm or wherever else
you wish to be.
If a few thousands of its employees
would enter upon the Certain Way, the steel trust would soon be in a bad
plight; it would have to give its workingmen more opportunity, or go out of
business. Nobody has to work for a trust; the trusts can keep men in so called
hopeless conditions only so long as there are men who are too ignorant to know
of the science of getting rich, or too intellectually slothful to practice it.
Begin this way of thinking and acting,
and your faith and purpose will make you quick to see any opportunity to better
your condition.
Such opportunities will speedily come,
for the Supreme, working in All, and working for you, will bring them before
Do not wait for an opportunity to be all
that you want to be; when an opportunity to be more than you are now is
presented and you feel impelled toward it, take it. It will be the first step
toward a greater opportunity.
There is no such thing possible in this
universe as a lack of opportunities for the man who is living the advancing
It is inherent in the constitution of
the cosmos that all things shall be for him and work together for his good; and
he must certainly get rich if he acts and thinks in the Certain Way. So let
wage-earning men and women study this book with great care, and enter with
confidence upon the course of action it prescribes; it will not fail.
In the next post, ‘Some Cautions, and Concluding Observations’.
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